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tv   ABC2 News at 530PM  ABC  October 23, 2012 5:30pm-6:00pm EDT

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hurricane, so moving northeast at five miles an hour. the future track concerning as it pushes it off the atlantic coast of the u.s. we'll see what happens. much more on sandy coming up in a few. a few clouds. we'll talk about how things shape up coming up. >> bullying in schools could be a big problem. >> students got a visit from mr. mojo. he's an antibullying coach who goes by the name travis brown. he teaches teens about bullying. >> it's a problem all across america. i get excited about the schools. we want to be ahead of the curve. we want to address the issue. it's a challenge across the country. these are the steps to take. >> he made the rounds here.
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mr. mojo talked to students at eastern tech. >> here at we are doing what we can. just log on to abc2/no to bullies. you can find information. we're finding more about the shooting at the spa in wisconsin. the audio comes from an october hearing as zina haughton sought a restraining order. she said her husband pulled a gun on her. days later a long time customer of zina's was sitting in a chair when she pleaded with him to
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spare others. >> i think she wanted to protect all of us. >> a new gun purchased two days after the order was issued. a babe bib is missing and a grand mother is found dead. investigators are not saying how the girl was killed or if there were suspects. police did issue an am about alert a are trying to reunite her with her parents. stock prices are falling for monster energy deaths. there are reports of five deaths. one of them is a maryland teenager, anais fournier. they said she died after consuming two 24-ounce cans in a 24-hour period. more people may be finding
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out they were exposed to potentially contaminated medicine. the fda posted a list of clinics that purchased steroids from the new england compounding center. it's connected to 23 deaths across the country including one in maryland. deer danger. >> you see the remains of these crashes on the side of the road. as don harrison tells us, the state is doing something with them. >> reporter: this is the mating season for deer. the deer have more on their mind than watching for cars. >> this one is $8,000.
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could be $1,000. >> reporter: the state has come up were a way to make use of the carcasses. they use it as compost. >> a layer of deer, a layer of mulch. stack them up. once every two or three months you turn it over and you have a material we can use in the medians for beautification. >> reporter: that was the cred of a state highway worker. >> it's landscaping money that we would otherly spend. >> ground them up for compost. >> reporter: if you're on the road and see a dead deer it may not be a pretty sight but in maryland it may be a part of making the landscape even nicer. in annapolis, don harrison, abc2 news. >> wow. right now the stage is set in western maryland.
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they with like to expand it. it is fash. the long awaited ipad mini is finally either apple unveiled their newest tablet today. t.j. winick has all the details. >> reporter: apple is taking on the mighty kindle, android devices and other e readers. >> what else can we do to find more uses for ipads. >> reporter: the new ipad min weighs as much as a pad of paper. it ships to stores november 2nd. >> this is ipad mini. >> reporter: the tablet wars are heating up. in june microsoft introduced the soon to be released tablet, considered to be the first real
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challenger. >> it's well designed. it's got cool, colorful accessories. >> reporter: ipad insisted the ipad mini -- >> there is a gigantic difference in these products. >> reporter: six months after intre dousing the ipad 3, apple introduced the ipad four. the latest criticism has become inside apple. steve jobs called seven inch tablets dead on aroifl and he changed his view in the final months before his death. >> by making a product that is selling well. >> reporter: apple announced last week it sold it's 100 millionth ipad. >> a sweet treat is being
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recalled. >> it has accurately predicted the election.
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if you have a wooden
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bassinet, stop using them. 90,000 are being recalled the company said the bottom lock doesn't lock properly if the spring is not installed and allows the bass spin net to tip -- bassinet, to tip, causing the baby who roll making it hard for them to breathe. >> another important recall. valco baby is recalling joey boost are toddler seats for strollers. children can fall when the spring button holding the booster seat comes apart. call 1-800-610-7850. wegman's is recalling a brownie mill. two people had an allergic to
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the mel being. it comes in a 17.2-ounce package. if you bought the meme, you can return it for a full refund. this is not good news. looks like many more americans will be looking -- working awhile before they retirement many are postponing it until they're 80. a wells fargo spokesperson said it's tough to save for retirement, which has more americans working later into life. 80? the last presidential debate is over. what the candidates are saying today as we get close are and closer to the election. verier -- ever been out of town but still wanted to send a friend a drink? we'll introduce you to an app.
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i'm abc2 meteorologist wyatt everhart. this is fantastic. we have several more days to enjoy the sunshine. take a look we think there could be changes by early next week, even starting sunday. dundalk sunshine. fall foilage. fall colors still in effect. how about in baltimore today where skies were at times a little overcast. we did get a good bet of sunshine. after 11, 12, the temperatures surge north and up into the mid-70s. as we check ot the current conditions, 74 at bwi. humidity coming up on the southeasterly breeze. that south wind will make an impact. we'll have a shot at 80 degrees
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before we drop in the low to mid-70s. low to mid-70s is where we sit. 77 in easton. upper 60s at the beach. not so bad. the festival coming up down toward the delaware beaches. a couple showers but the main weather system has been a weather maker for states to our north, new york, pennsylvania and back to new england. they'll get the rain. the rest of the evening, it stays to our north. we're dry and looking good. high pressure dominates sitting over the mid-atlantic states tomorrow into thursday, friday. more sunshine, more temperatures above average. when you look carefully, this is toward thursday night. a line of showers out to the upper midwest. tomorrow a big warm surge, temperatures like 81 in roanoke.
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as we go into late tomorrow afternoon a meme of clouds and sun. we'll warm up nicely. here's the setup. all the weather stays to the north. we're getting reds di for the clear patch. up here in the northern section of the country, you can see cold air beginning to build in, snow showers into places like the northern rock kiss. that cold air will make a push. by the time we get into sunday, monday and tuesday, a big cooldown. that's one weather player. tropical storm sandy churning in the caribbean see sea. the other side of the map to the south and the projections on hurricane sandy between cuba and haiti, eventually south off of florida and eventually south and we think offshore of north carolina by the start of the weekend into sunday. you see a wide cone. there we don't know where this large area of rain will end up. if it's close enough to the
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coast perhaps it will interact with the cold air surge and we could and up with a wild coastal storm with beach erosion, sunday, monday, tuesday. tonight, though, none of that, 53, staying mild. gorgeous day. 2 with sun and clouds trending warmer. the trend will be for more good weather thursday and friday, a little bit of a cooldown. then we begin to change the weather forecast. there's a lot of variability but sunday, machine day and tuesday, you can see the setup will be for showers, wind and rain, basically no matter what this storm system off the coast does. we will see a big cooldown, nights in the 30's. we're still five days out, so stay tuned. >> the final presidential debate
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is over. we go live to washington. all right. wrap it all up for us. how is this playing out. >> reporter: it's now three presidential debates down. that means two weeks of campaigning to go. they're talking about the debates. they're picking each other apart. >> we've done through four debates and we haven't heard an agenda from the president. >> governor romney's foreign policy has been wrong and reckless. last night he was all over the map. >> reporter: president obama went on the attack occasionally resulting to sarcasm. >> i'm glad you recognize the al qaeda is threat. a few months ago when asked what the biggest geopolitical threat,
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you said russia and they're asking for their 19 80's policies back oar mitt romney often agreed with the president but mentioned the economy anytime he got. >> in order to fulfill our role in the world we have to strengthen our economy at home. you can't have 23 million people struggling to get a job. >> reporter: very different from the debate last week in which libya was one of the most heated topics. take a look at who won the debate. this is a cnn/orc poll. if you're keeping track at him, that means in the most general terms most people thought mitt romney won the first round. president obama took the next two debates. the polls show the polls tight are than ever. >> now that the debates are over, what is the final campaign strategy? >> reporter: it means they probably won't be spending a lot
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of time in maryland because they're putting the focus in the key battleground states. mitt romney in nevada and colorado. as for the president he's joining joe biden in ohio. that's where the president has the lead and he wants to keep the lead there. here's a couple of indications of what the weeks will be like. president obama will be in six swing states in the next 48 hours. when you look at the key state of ohio, combine all four candidates together, they have made 31 stops there in the past 30 days. ohio matters. >> all right. emily, great to see you. this may not be the most reliable indicator of who wins the election but based on halloween mask sales, there's a clear front-runner. spirit halloween said the mask of halloween has been outselling mitt romney's by a margin of 60%
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to 40%. the retail are as correctly predicted the outcome based on mask sales. before we got to the debate it was a neat of guilty pleasures and free styling on "dancing with the stars." george pennachio gives us a row cap. >> peta brings so much happiness. it as going to keep going up and up and up. it has complete and simple. >> reporter: half a opinion the behind, emmitt smith and cheryl burke sambaed to success. >> i know some dances are difficult for me but i'm going in with the proper attitude. ill a have to put in longer hours and do what i have to do.
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kirstie alley and maksim chmerkovskiy had their best dance of the season. after the he is they were, sited to talk about the gangnam style number you'll see. >> there's something about it. >> reporter: with 24 1/2 points, kelly monaco and val chmerkovskiy got the lowest. >> you know, i just -- there are no excuses. the other four danced a group number that got them 29 1/2 points. and the good for chan came after
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melissa rycroft herniated a des income her income. >> i was happy to be out there. adrenaline takes over definitely. i think i was more cautious. >> you'll see for more guilty pleasures tonight. george pennachio for abc news. we have a plea for help that turns into a home invasion. we have the latest in the investigation in this early morning attack in cecil county. >> ravens players are talking about the worst loss in the history of coach harbaugh. those stories and more at 6:00. here's a preview of world news at 6:30. >> the campaign at warmed speed. we'll tell you where the
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president is and how much the campaign knows about you when they knock on your door. mayor: casino owners in west virginia are spending
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millions against question seven. that upsets me. and that upsets jonathan ogden. you don't want to upset jonathan ogden. ogden: no you don't. mayor: question seven means thousands of jobs and millions for our schools. but these west virginia casinos want to keep it all for themselves. we're not happy about that. ogden: no we aren't. mayor: so join us and vote for question seven. and west virginia, don't make me send jonatn ogden over there. mayor: vote for question seven. ogden: for baltimore.
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ever been on vacation and wanted to send a friend a drink. >> i feel like i should send you a drink right now. >> there is a new app that lets you do that. you can share a drink with anybody in the world. it's called gratified. it helped a washington woman send her friend wine over the weekend. >> i said i can't go to your dinner tonight, so i figured i'm going to buy you a drink
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instead. >> that's great. not only drinks, you can send food and even comedy tickets. >> why didn't i think of that. >> where did the drink come from? across the country. >> it's a disease that affects millions of women each year. >> some of the most common breast cancer myths and what you need to know about them coming up at six. the guy came from behind her. she never saw him. >> an act of kindness bring as homeowner face to face with a gunman. >> a man accused of secretly recording women is behind bars. >> and children and suicidal thoughts. first, we want to update the breaking news we first brought you


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